Telemark Trip

Its been a while, all too long, since i’ve posted here, but i’m back & won’t leave it as long again.

Ive just uploaded some pictures from my time in the French alps, in a small ski resort called Pralognan la Vanoise. Its a small but perfectly formed little ski resort & has some great skiing. It is ideal for the 10 days of racing & training which make up the British Telemark Championships, which this year were followed by two days of Telemark World Cup action.

One of the top British racers is Jasmine Taylor, aka JazTelemark, who amazingly got her first World Cup win of the season while I was there. Not only was it great to see, it was great to be close enough to the team to get some shots of them which they can use to publicise the sport & keep sponsors happy.

Well done Jaz, so proud to know you!

Jaz Telemark